A Roofing Guide For First-Time Homeowners

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Tips for Navigating the World of Home Building

When my wife and I had finally saved up enough cash to move from an apartment to a house, we were very underwhelmed with the homes available in our local market. We weren't sure if we could afford to build a new home, but we spoke to a local contractor and decided it was actually a great option for us. We signed another year lease at our apartment complex and had a lot of fun choosing all of the options for our new home. We learned a lot about the home building experience during this time and, since we loved the experience so much, we decided to create a blog to share our tips and tricks for navigating the world of home building with other people who need the help designing their new homes. Come back often for new posts!


A Roofing Guide For First-Time Homeowners

28 July 2022
 Categories: , Blog

When investing in a roof, it's not just a matter of hiring the first contractor. You have to do your homework and take time to get a feel for the entire process. The problem with this is that most homeowners don't know where to begin or what questions to ask. The following roofing installation guide will help answer some of the questions first-time homeowners might have. 

Longevity of Roofing Materials

Roofing lifespans vary depending on the material. Some materials last longer than others, but it's important to know that not all roofs are built to last forever.

Asphalt roofs are considered a low-maintenance option because they don't require special maintenance or cleaning. However, they can't be replaced after they've been damaged by hail or other natural disasters like earthquakes and hurricanes.

Metal roofs last for decades before needing replacement. Metal roofs come in two main types: steel and aluminum. Steel is typically best for high-wind areas because it's stronger than aluminum. However, aluminum roofs are often a more economical solution that gives homeowners various options to have a new roof installed on their home. 

Replacing a Roof

Replacing an old roof doesn't have to be complicated. Before you can begin installing your new roof, you will need to do some prep work. This starts by removing all old materials from your home. In addition to the shingles on top of your house, you may also need to remove any flashing or other material that was previously installed. If you want to reuse some of this material, make sure it is not damaged or deteriorated in any way. 

Roof Inspections

You want your home to be a sound investment, and the best way to do that is to ensure your new home has a good roof. A roof inspection can help you spot potential problem areas before they become serious problems.

A roof inspection includes an assessment of the condition of all parts of the roofing system, including shingles, gutters, and downspouts. Inspectors look for physical damage such as missing or broken tiles as well as signs of potential damage such as curling or cracking shingles, leaks in flashing around chimneys or skylights, and loose nails or fasteners that could cause leaks in valleys between shingles. They also check for evidence of past water damage inside the attic.

Roof Repairs and Maintenance 

Roof repairs are needed whenever there is damage to the roof or if there are any leaks that need to be repaired. The most common reasons for roof leaks are worn-out or missing shingles. A leak can also happen if the flashing around an opening is not properly installed or damaged.

Leaks can cause wood rot and mold growth which can spread throughout your house quickly. Another common reason for leaks is due to poor ventilation within the attic space. When this occurs, moisture will build up within the attic and eventually leak through the ceiling below. If you notice signs of water on your ceiling or walls inside your home, it might be due to a leaky roof above where you're standing at that moment.

Getting your roof replaced can be an overwhelming process. However, it can be made easier by consulting with professionals and understanding the key points of the process. 

Contact a local roofing company for more information.