Tips For Prepping For A Floating Hardwood Floor Installation

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Tips for Navigating the World of Home Building

When my wife and I had finally saved up enough cash to move from an apartment to a house, we were very underwhelmed with the homes available in our local market. We weren't sure if we could afford to build a new home, but we spoke to a local contractor and decided it was actually a great option for us. We signed another year lease at our apartment complex and had a lot of fun choosing all of the options for our new home. We learned a lot about the home building experience during this time and, since we loved the experience so much, we decided to create a blog to share our tips and tricks for navigating the world of home building with other people who need the help designing their new homes. Come back often for new posts!


Tips For Prepping For A Floating Hardwood Floor Installation

14 December 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Have you decided to install a floating hardwood flooring material in your home, but not sure how it is done? If so, it helps to know what kind of preparation is necessary.

Let The Wood Acclimate

The first thing you'll want to do is let the hardwood flooring material acclimate to the room that it is being installed in. This means opening the boxes and letting the boards sit in the room for a couple of days. This is necessary so that the hardwood flooring adjusts to the temperature and humidity levels of your home, and the board will shrink or contract to its normal size. If you install the hardwood flooring immediately, it is possible that the boards will slightly shrink afterward and leave gaps or they could expand and cause the boards to push upwards where they join together.

Clean The Floor

The floor that you are installing the hardwood material on will need to be cleaned prior to the installation. This can be done by sweeping up all debris so that it's not resting on the floor anymore. Even small pieces of debris can cause problems where the floor is not laying flat, and it will be difficult to remove boards later so that you can clean the surface.

Level The Floor

You'll want to make sure that the subfloor is level before you start the installation. You can do this by placing a bubble level across the floor and finding the spots where the level isn't lying completely flat. You'll want to use self-leveling concrete in places where the floor dips. Simply spread it across the surface and give it enough time to cure according to the instructions provided with it. You will then have a level surface that is ready for installation.

Check For Moisture

One way that you can check for moisture seeping through a concrete floor is by taping a large plastic trash bag to the floor and letting it sit there for a couple of days. If moisture is captured on the underside of the trash bag, then you'll want to install a moisture barrier on the floor. Not only does a moisture barrier prevent condensation from coming in contact with the bottom of the hardwood flooring, but it adds to the comfort of walking on the floor and as a sound barrier. 

By following these tips, you'll be ready to install the hardwood flooring material. For more information, contact a flooring supplier in your area, such as Tile Outlet, Etc.