Need New Windows? 2 Key Factors

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Tips for Navigating the World of Home Building

When my wife and I had finally saved up enough cash to move from an apartment to a house, we were very underwhelmed with the homes available in our local market. We weren't sure if we could afford to build a new home, but we spoke to a local contractor and decided it was actually a great option for us. We signed another year lease at our apartment complex and had a lot of fun choosing all of the options for our new home. We learned a lot about the home building experience during this time and, since we loved the experience so much, we decided to create a blog to share our tips and tricks for navigating the world of home building with other people who need the help designing their new homes. Come back often for new posts!


Need New Windows? 2 Key Factors

29 July 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Windows are important for the overall look of your home, but they also serve a purpose: providing you with a view and ensuring your home is efficient and safe for many years to come. Unfortunately, your windows will not last forever even with proper care and maintenance. Of course, choosing new windows can be overwhelming to a lot of homeowners, but help is available. Here are a few factors to consider when selecting your new windows.


When you first think of windows, you probably think of glass, but the window frames can be even more important. Knowing all the different options can help.

Wood window frames are great for a few reasons. They are beautiful and add a historical, natural element to your home. They are also very efficient. There is a big downside, though. Wood is difficult to maintain. Moisture will build up and seep into the wood over time, increasing the risk of mold growth, rot, and decay, which can be costly to repair.

Because of the risk of wood decay, many homeowners opt for vinyl frames. They are definitely one of the more affordable options, and they require very little maintenance. Plus, they can be very energy-efficient.

One misconception people have is that they have to just choose white vinyl windows, but that is not actually true. If you want vinyl window frames, you will be able to select from a wide range of colors — all will help complement your home's look.


All glass is not created equal, either, so you will need to decide which glass is right for your home, efficiency, and budget.

Ideally, you will want an insulated glass to make sure your windows are as energy-efficient as possible. Insulated glass will reduce the amount of heat gain coming in through your windows from the sun and the higher temperatures throughout the year. Insulated glass will also keep your home warmer in the winter by reducing heat loss through the glass.

Energy efficiency is not your only concern when selecting glass. Certain types of glass are easier to break than others. For example, single-pane windows have glass that breaks with slight impact, while double-pane glass is more difficult to break. This will keep your home safer from not only flying baseballs and debris but also criminals who are attempting to break into your home.

Narrowing down your options is key for selecting the right windows for your home. This guide will help you get started selecting new windows. Contact a company like Leger Siding to learn more.