Repairing Your Home's Leveling Problems

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Tips for Navigating the World of Home Building

When my wife and I had finally saved up enough cash to move from an apartment to a house, we were very underwhelmed with the homes available in our local market. We weren't sure if we could afford to build a new home, but we spoke to a local contractor and decided it was actually a great option for us. We signed another year lease at our apartment complex and had a lot of fun choosing all of the options for our new home. We learned a lot about the home building experience during this time and, since we loved the experience so much, we decided to create a blog to share our tips and tricks for navigating the world of home building with other people who need the help designing their new homes. Come back often for new posts!


Repairing Your Home's Leveling Problems

17 September 2019
 Categories: , Blog

A house will need to be as level as possible if it is to stand the test of time and the exposure to strong storms. The foundation of the house will be essential for keeping the structure level, but there can be situations that may cause the foundation to become uneven.

Myth: Every Home Experiences Leveling Issues

Homeowners that are finding their house developing leveling problems will often assume that this is a perfectly normal part of the settling process for a house. As a result, they may not respond as quickly as they should to this problem. This can lead to the house developing serious damage as a result of the foundation shifting.

Myth: Only Newly Built Homes Will Encounter Leveling Issues

Another common assumption about settling issues with a house is that only newly built homes will be at risk of encountering this problem. In reality, it can be possible for homes of any age to be at risk of developing leveling problems. For example, it can be possible for the soil under the foundation to start to erode. This can expose older homes to suddenly experience shifting and other signs of foundation issues.

Myth: It Is Not Possible To Repair A Home's Leveling Problems

Luckily, a homeowner that is needing to address a shifting foundation will have several options available to them. One of the most commonly used will involve inserting strong rods under the foundation so that the weight of the house can be better supported. Other repairs can involve compacting the soil around the home and improving drainage to reduce erosion. In extreme cases, it may even be possible to raise the home by elevating it on support poles so that it can be better anchored. A thorough examination of the foundation and the soil around the house will be necessary to determine the cause of the damage before an effective repair can be selected.

Myth: Addressing Leveling Issues Will Always Ruin The Appearance Of The Home

Homeowners will often be worried that the repairs for their leveling issues will compromise the appearance of the house. This concern can be valid when it is necessary to raise the home, but a contractor can install skirting along the base of the home to help mask the cosmetic impacts of raising the home while also closing off this area so pests and animals will be unable to get under the house. It is usually possible to match the skirting to the rest of the home's design aesthetics so that it will blend into the structure.