Foundation Repair: When To Call In The Pros

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Tips for Navigating the World of Home Building

When my wife and I had finally saved up enough cash to move from an apartment to a house, we were very underwhelmed with the homes available in our local market. We weren't sure if we could afford to build a new home, but we spoke to a local contractor and decided it was actually a great option for us. We signed another year lease at our apartment complex and had a lot of fun choosing all of the options for our new home. We learned a lot about the home building experience during this time and, since we loved the experience so much, we decided to create a blog to share our tips and tricks for navigating the world of home building with other people who need the help designing their new homes. Come back often for new posts!


Foundation Repair: When To Call In The Pros

10 January 2018
 Categories: , Blog

Concrete foundations crack; there isn't much you can do to prevent some sort of cracking over time. In fact, concrete foundations will often crack immediately as they dry and cure. Often, this is not the fault of the concrete installed. However, a poor mixture or improper pour can affect the strength of any concrete slab. Foundations can also crack over time as the soil underneath them shifts and tree roots cause movements. Some cracks need to be professionally repaired, while others can be easily fixed with DIY products bought at any home improvement store. This article explains when it is best to fix your own cracks, and when you need to call a professional foundation repair service.

Examining Your Cracks

You often need to get down on your hands and knees with a flashlight to look very closely at your crack. You need to determine if your crack is all the through the foundation. It is common for water to seep through cracks, but this does not always mean that the crack is all the way through. A little bit of water is really nothing to worry about. But, if water is pooling up on your foundation floor, you have a problem that needs to be professionally examined. Also, if your concrete slab is completely separated, you should not try to patch it yourself.

Patch Small Cracks Yourself

If there are just small pressure cracks in your foundation that don't go all the way through the slab, you should patch them yourself. Concrete crack filler is affordable and sold at any home improvement store. It also comes in premixed bottles, so it is very easy to work with. The process just involves using the crack filler and a putty knife. A crack can be filled withing a few minutes. It is important to point out that crack filler will not prevent the crack from growing bigger. It is really just a cosmetic repair that will make your foundation look a little better.

Calling in the Pros

If you aren't sure if you can handily fix your crack on your own, or if it needs professional repair, it is best to just be safe and call in the pros. This way they can examine your problem and fix it if necessary. They might tell you that it nothing to worry about, and the you can apply a cosmetic patch yourself.

Regardless of who fixes your cracks, it is best to take care of them sooner rather than later.